Welcome to Sylvain Combettes’ webpage!
Since September 2024, I have been a Machine Learning Product Engineer at Probabl, the official brand operator of scikit-learn, the reference open-source machine learning Python library. More info: my LinkedIn post / Notion page. I contribute to designing and developing a data scientist companion, called skore
, to empower data scientists and companies in mastering their entire data lifecycle. Feel free to reach out to me or join our Discord if you are interested in such a product!
In parallel, I am a Data Science lecturer at Ecole Polytechnique and CentraleSupélec Exed.
Previously, from February to August 2024, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre Borelli research lab from Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay under the supervision of Laurent Oudre. I worked on the BrevetAI project from SaclAI School (DATAIA Institute), a learning-by-doing pedagogical platform for AI acculturation.
From October 2020 to January 2024, I was a PhD student, also at the Centre Borelli, where I worked on machine learning applied to time series, under the supervision of Laurent Oudre and Charles Truong. More precisely, my research focused on symbolic representation for time series, as well as distance measures on them.
Contact: sylvain.combettes8 [a t] gmail.com
- [Oct. 31st, 2024] Probabl launched the official scikit-learn certification!
- [Sep. 12th, 2024] Probabl closed a 5.5M€ community funding round!
- [Sep. 3rd, 2024] I started a new job as a Machine Learning Product Engineer at Probabl in Paris, the official brand operator of scikit-learn! More info: my LinkedIn post.
For more info about Probabl, I wrote a Notion page.
Older news
- [Aug. 28th, 2024] I presented ASTRIDE [PDF] at the EUSIPCO conference in Lyon, France.
- [May 15th, 2024] My co-author Paul Boniol presented the $d_{symb}$ playground [PDF] at the ICDE conference in Utrecht, Netherlands.
- [May 13th, 2024] My PhD’s manuscript is available online [theses.fr / HAL / PDF], as well as the slides of my defense [PDF].
- [May 2nd, 2024] I presented the $d_{symb}$ playground at the Towards a Sustainable Food Supply Chain: Pool, Optimize and Decarbonize Flows using AI conference organized by Califrais and SCAI (Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence).
- [Apr. 9th, 2024] I presented my PhD work at the Machine Learning and Massive Data Analysis (MLMDA) seminar.
- [Mar. 7th, 2024] I presented the $d_{symb}$ playground at the Entrepreneur First - Pitch Your Thesis: AI edition talk.
- [Feb. 1st, 2024] I started a postdoc at ENS Paris-Saclay, France!
- [Jan. 8th, 2024] I successfully defended my PhD from ENS Paris-Saclay, France!