Arm-CODA: A Dataset of Upper-limb Human Movement during Routine Examination.

Published in Image Processing On Line, 2024

Recommended citation: Sylvain W. Combettes, Paul Boniol, Antoine Mazarguil, Danping Wang, Diego Vaquero-Ramos, Marion Chauveau, Laurent Oudre, Nicolas Vayatis, Pierre-Paul Vidal, Alexandra Roren, Marie-Martine Lefèvre-Colau, Arm-CODA: A Dataset of Upper-limb Human Movement during Routine Examination, Image Processing On Line, 14 (2024), pp. 1–13.

Links: paper / demo. You can find the paper in PDF and the source code in the link of the paper.


This article thoroughly describes a data set of 240 multivariate time series collected using 34 Cartesian Optoelectronic Dynamic Anthropometer (CODA) placed on the upper limb of 16 healthy subjects each undergoing 15 predefined movements such as raising their arms or combing their hair. Each sensor records its position in the 3D space. In total, 2.5 hours of time series are collected. A remarkable aspect of this data set is the extensive availability of metadata: subjects’ characteristics (age, height, etc.) as well as movements’ annotations. Indeed, for each subject and each movement, the start and end time stamps of at least two iterations of the same movement are provided. In addition to the study of human motion, this data set can be used to evaluate generic time series analytical tasks such as multivariate time series segmentation, clustering, or classification.